Occasions arise where pond owners need to remove koi from their ponds. Typical examples are when a home owner can not sell the home with a koi pond or, a new home owner does not want the pond and koi that came with their new house. As a service to the regional koi community, the Atlanta Koi Club may be able to find new homes for the koi.
If you are in need of a koi rescue, please use the email address below to contact our club. Please provide your complete information (e.g., name, address, phone number, email address) and the quantity and sizes of the koi that need a new home, please give us the location of the koi, this will help with the logistics of the rescue. The Atlanta Koi Club will in turn notify its membership via emails and notices in our newsletter. It will then be up to the individual club members to contact you if they are interested in rescuing the koi.
Koi rescue email address: rescue@atlantakoiclub.org