By The Pond

August, 2011



 I hope every ones ponds are holding up to the heat wave we are having.  Mine is a beautiful shade of blue green, UV light went out, but that’s just part of the hobby I suppose.  Joe Hatfield’s article on how important oxygen is this time of year is well worth reading if you are having problems. Joe is a definite asset to the club, as are our other KHA’s. Glad that their on our team and here to help us out.


I would like to thank Heddy and Chuck Hamann for hosting the July meeting.  The Hamanns are very gracious hosts and have a beautiful home and pond.  The main topics brought up was the Pond Tour and the upcoming show in September. We are still getting nothing but positive results about the tour and how much everyone enjoyed it.  We have already gotten some great suggestions from members that want make the pond tour even better. They are actually looking forward to a tour next year.


The Show is coming on quick. We have maybe a dozen or so folks that have signed up to work the show, but we are going to need a lot more folks to make it work. It doesn’t matter how much time you can spare, every little bit helps. If you can volunteer, please do so and contact any of the officers. We will get you signed up in the time slot you can volunteer.


We also have officer elections coming up in October.  We have a committee started, but we need a few more members to be on the committee to help secure a list of potential candidates for office. If you would like to be on the committee or be considered for office, again, contact myself or one of the other officers and we will forward your name to the committee.


 There will not be a newsletter posted for August.  Due to a decision made jointly by the executive board, we have a vacancy for the Koi Chronicles Editor position. If you are qualified and interested in this position and have basic computer skills, please contact me or one of the other officers.


Our next meeting is at Wakoola Water Gardens in Cumming Ga. It is on SATURDAY August 13th, 3:00 - 6:00 pm.  This is not our normal meeting day or time, so please make yourself a special note. We will discuss the coming Koi & Goldfish Show and will need to organize our volunteers so we can determine how many free passes we'll need for JapanFest.  This will be an important business meeting so please attend if you can.


Looking into September, our meeting will be at Coastal Pond Supply where we will make final preparations and planning for the show plus pack the trailer. This will be a very important meeting for volunteers.
The 2011 Koi & Goldfish Show will be held in conjunction with JapanFest at the Gwinnett Convention Center.



Clay Melancon